Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Pulse & Heartbeat

Hello all-

It's been a while since my last post.  I was inspired to write about my most recent read- The Man in 3B by Carl Weber-  While perusing fb, I learned of a new movie set to release and it promises that it doesn't stray too far from the book.  I decided to go to the library and check it out. 
I will say that it isn't the kind of book I would've picked up as it appeared to be geared toward younger readers, but it was interesting- crowded, but interesting.

Other books on deck (that I've NOT finished) are Dr. Ian Smith's the Blackbird Papers, Rhythm's of Grace and Song of Deliverance- the latter two are by the same author Marilyn Griffith.  I plan to finish those as well.

Of late I've read/re-read The Great Gatsby, Huckleberry Finn, A Lesson before Dying, Thinks Fall Apart- a few of the books my son has read for school.  For years I found that I'd read (or re-read) books that he's required to read so that he and I can discuss them; that and I'd know if he was truly reading or just looking at the words as he'd much rather do anything than read.

Another Gem I stumbled upon is The Year of Living Biblically... I actually listened to this one on recorded disks.  There were times that I'd sit in the car just to hear what happened next.  It was surprisingly very funny- another choice off the list of required Summer reading.

Anyway, please feel welcomed to peruse The Man in 3B, The Blackbird Papers, Rhythm's of Grace and Song of Deliverance.  I'd love to read your comments and book suggestions.
