Monday, June 27, 2011

The Help~ Kathryn Stockett

I've been invited, by my friend Kimberly, to join a local bookclub. The club met yesterday at Our Place Bakery Cafe' in College Park Georgia. I decided to incorporate this blog in hopes that friends far and not so near can join us so, I'm dusting her off and inviting you to come along for the read (corny, I know but I couldn't resist).

Our 1st book, The Help by Kathryn Stockett, was chosen by Sharon of the tentatively named Savy interpretations Book Club. Our desire is to have read and discussed it by August 21st so we may enjoy viewing it together on the silver screen.

The Book is set in 1962 Mississippi where unspoken understood roles for women lie.
Aibileen, Skeeter and Minny, different in aspects grave and small, find commonalities beyond their double x make-up to face the adversaries of their time.

I invite you to join us as we delve into the lives of these three Mississippi women...



KnightonFelix said...

We are so excited and I getting started right away!!

KnightonFelix said...

The book was excellent. Couldn’t put it down, finished in one week.

The movie, like always, did not follow the order of the book. One of my favorite characters was Hillary. She really did an excellent job in bringing the character to life.
The acting, scenes around town and little Mae Mobley was true to form.

Overall both the movie and the book gets “Two Thumbs Up!”.

~JaBe said...

The book-Awesome, the movie- slightly less than awesome.

Please don't misunderstand, the movie was really good and enjoyable whether you've read the book or not.

Characters like Hilly Holbrook, her mom (played by Sissy Spacek) were spot-on. The actresses representing the 3 ladies mentioned above, Aibileen, Skeeter and Minny were exceptional- believeable and very much how the author described them in the book.

Constantine's character and even moreso her daughter's left me puzzled and disappointed, but that was a minor speed bump in what was otherwise a good movie.